Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Painters and Contractors

Only a very few rise above the rest.
We are filming a TV show about the renovation of my new shop. Three contractors have failed to live up to their end of the bargain. Two were "No Shows" and one showed up but then left the job site to go do another job and then called and said he could not come back. Now I am not being some kind of control freak here. I did not even talk to the contractors. The TV show host had this all set up and now most of the contractors are all falling threw. Except for these guys.

Air Repair- The Heating and AC company
McDonough Flooring
and the most fantastic painter "whose name I forget because I am not dealing with them" that came out because he was talking with the painter that left the job site and felt that he could help Melissa with the TV show deadline. He brought his two great kids with him and while he is painting right now at 1 am, his son is asleep in the car and his beautiful daughter is doing her college homework and helping her dad. She is a Psychology Major at Spellman College, an all girls school in Atlanta.
Photos are of the painter and son. Tomorrow I will outline the costs of doing all of this as to date.

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